Secured loans: Interest rates
If you’re repaying multiple debts and finding it difficult to stay on top of them all, or simply looking for a more manageable way to repay, a debt consolidation loan could help. By combining your debts into a single monthly repayment, there’s only one thing to keep track of—giving you some additional peace of mind. … Continue reading “Secured loans: Interest rates”

What is a secured loan and how does it work?
If you want to borrow a large amount, or spread repayments over a longer period of time, you’ll probably need a secured loan. Lending large sums of money can be a big ask, even for established lenders. Of course, if they had a fallback option providing a little extra security, there’s less risk holding them … Continue reading “What is a secured loan and how does it work?”

Debt consolidation loan eligibility: Am I eligible?
If you’re repaying multiple debts and finding it difficult to stay on top of them all, or simply looking for a more manageable way to repay, a debt consolidation loan could help. By combining your debts into a single monthly repayment, there’s only one thing to keep track of—giving you some additional peace of mind. … Continue reading “Debt consolidation loan eligibility: Am I eligible?”

Debt consolidation: No guarantor
If you’re repaying multiple debts and finding it difficult to stay on top of them all, or simply looking for a more manageable way to repay, a debt consolidation loan could help. By combining your debts into a single monthly repayment, there’s only one thing to keep track of—giving you some additional peace of mind. … Continue reading “Debt consolidation: No guarantor”

Long-term loans guide – are they a good way to borrow?
When you’re looking to borrow money, the length of time over which you’ll repay the loan is one of the main factors you’ll have to consider. By spreading repayments over a longer period with a long-term loan, you’ll generally be paying less each month as a result. Sounds ideal, doesn’t it? Of course, this comes … Continue reading “Long-term loans guide – are they a good way to borrow?”

Short-term vs long-term loans: How long should you borrow for?
If you’re thinking about taking out a loan, you may well have noticed a wide variety of borrowing periods when exploring your options. In many cases, you can borrow the same amount of money over shorter periods, or “terms”, or spread the borrowing out over a number of years. But which is best for your … Continue reading “Short-term vs long-term loans: How long should you borrow for?”

Hire purchase (HP) vs. personal contract purchase (PCP)
Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) and Hire Purchase (HP) are two of the most popular methods of financing your car here in the UK. According to the Finance & Leasing Association, consumers bought a total of 195,199 cars on finance in May 2022 alone. With inflation, cost of living, and petrol prices sky-rocketing, many UK consumers … Continue reading “Hire purchase (HP) vs. personal contract purchase (PCP)”

What is Open Banking and how does it work?
Would you like to save time on credit applications and get fairer, more accurate borrowing options as a result? If you’ve ever applied for finance or borrowing of any sort, you’ll know that you need to provide a lot of information about yourself and your circumstances before you can see your options. And even then, … Continue reading “What is Open Banking and how does it work?”

Self-employed car finance options
Published: 15/11/22 If you’re self-employed, you’re probably already aware that accessing credit or finance isn’t always that straightforward. However, when it comes to finding self-employed car finance options, you’ll probably find there’s more available than you first thought. So, what options are there? Well, if you’re looking for car loans for self-employed workers, you will … Continue reading “Self-employed car finance options”

Second charge mortgages explained
When it comes to personal finances, loans, and property, there are so many terms to learn and understand. Whether you’re trying to make sense of APR, soft searches, or repayment holidays, too much jargon can leave you feeling perplexed—and this is where we can help. If you’ve heard the phrase “second charge mortgage” and need … Continue reading “Second charge mortgages explained”